Sunday 14 October 2012

Steamed Ginger Fish


Ginger is a type of herb and also medicine. Young gingers are juicy and fleshy but taste mild. In
opposite, old mature gingers are fibrous and nearly dry. In food and beverages, ginger is most often use as flavouring agent. Here, i am using ginger as part of the ingredient for the steamed fish. In my case, i blend the ginger and steam together with my fish. In this particular recipe, garoupa fish slice. Steamed ginger fish, a common chinese dish. Healthy and not oily. Easy and mess-free. Hope you like it :)

A slice of fish of your choice (in my case, garoupa fish)
some minced garlic
younger ginger (blended)

1 tablespoon oyster sauce
some salt to taste
2 tablespoon sesame oil
3 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon shaoxing wine

1. Blend young ginger with 3 tablespoon water
2. Heat up oil in work and fry minced garlic
3. Add in blend ginger, oyster sauce, salt and then shaoxing wine
4. Stir evenly and bring to boil.
5. Pour ginger sauce onto fish and steam for 10 - 15 mins
6. Dish is ready to serve. Optional : chopped spring onion.

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